Monday, 24 January 2011

Scrambled Eggs

I think this is strange.

Wonder how it was when they were dating. Well, I am taking it for granted that this is not an arranged marriage but then what do I know!

Regarding the demand about the money used for their wedding, I honestly think she has a solid ground there provided it was a contract - verbal or written and of course a written contract would be easier to prove. SO moral of the story for the love struck boys and girls planning to tie the knot,do consider having the PRE NUPTIAL contract seriously. It can easily be included in the taqlik.

Anyway read this [taken from here]:- 

Harian Metro frontpaged a report about a man known as Razman who was allegedly suffering from his “gangster” wife’s outbursts.
Razman alleged how his wife, whom he married out of love, has woken him up by kicking him and demanded for divorce more than 10 times whenever they fought over his delay in replying her calls and SMSes.
He claimed his wife, who had also damaged his office personal computer during one of her outbursts, also verbally abused him by calling him either a pig, stupid, obnoxious and “to go to hell or die.”
He claimed his mother-in-law had accused him of stealing his wife’s stuff for witchcraft to make her submissive.
He said when they went for marriage counselling, she had vented her anger and scolded the ustaz.
After their child was born, he said his wife continued to sideline him and demanded the money they used for their wedding, which she regarded as debts that he had yet to repay.
One year into their marriage, he is considering divorce.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Mistakes At Job Interviews

The Most Outrageous Mistakes Made at Job Interviews

On Thursday 13 January 2011, 5:04 SGT
The job market may be showing signs of life but competition remains fierce, so if you're headed to an interview, don't blow it.

"The goal of any interview is to stand out from the other candidates and ultimately land the job, but make sure you stand out for the right reasons!" said Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources for CareerBuilder.
CareerBuilder recently polled a couple thousand hiring managers and found out that one of the most common mistakes candidates made at job interviews was answering a cell-phone call or text during an interview. Seven out of 10 hiring managers said they'd had a candidate do that during an interview.
They also cited dressing inappropriately, appearing disinterested, appearing arrogant and chewing gum among the most common mistakes.
That list alone should have you outraged on behalf of American job seekers everywhere, but it gets worse! Here are some of the most outrageous things hiring managers said they've seen candidates do during a job interview:

1- Provide a detailed listing of how previous employer made them mad.
2- Hug the hiring manager at the end of the interview.
3- Eat all the candy from the candy bowl while trying to answer questions.
4- Bad-mouth spouse throughout the interview.
5- Blow her nose and line up used tissues on the table in front of her.
6- Bring a copy of a college diploma, with white out over the name and candidates name written on top.
7- Wear a hat that said "take this job and shove it."
8- Talk about how an affair cost him a previous job.
9- Throw his beer can in the outside trashcan before coming into the reception office.
10- Have a friend come in and ask "HOW MUCH LONGER?"

OK, so we're going to skip the usual jargon of job tips and get back to the basics:

1- Listen to your mother and spit out that gum before the interview. Blow your nose before you get there.   And while we're at it, make sure you go to the bathroom before you leave the house.

2-Turn that phone off before I turn it off for you.

3-No badmouthing of anyone. No candy eating. No cute T-shirts or hats. Actually, no T-shirts or hats of any kind. No white out. No friends allowed to come with you.

And for the love of jobs, no hugging!