Sunday, 27 December 2009
This Old man
Honestly I can't help but think there are certain quarters in the country trying their damned hardest to cause chaos.
1. Like the Bar Council I am disappointed that the Appeal Court had overturned the High Court's decision to stop the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission from questioning suspects after working hours.
2. We must respect working hours. Criminals should not commit crimes after working hours. Of course police should not investigate crimes after working hours. Firemen should wait until office opens before putting out fires.
3. The same should apply for weekends and public holidays. No questioning, no investigations and no putting out fires during non-working days.
4. What about politics and politicians? Well no politicking outside office hours also.
5. If we have more holidays then the crime rate would go down as crimes should only be committed during working hours.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Yang Tersurat vs Yang tersirat
Pagi tadi terbaca di Berita Harian, Datuk Dr Mashitah [dulu pensyarah di UIA dan sering berceramah dalam Forum Perdana di TV (tak ingat pulak tv1 ke tv3), sekarang timbalan menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dilaporkan berkata:-
Saya tak pernah bertemu dengan Ustaz Asri, tetapi sebenarnya penyokong apa yang didokongnya.
Sebab beliau berani berdepan dengan masyarakat dan bergaul dengan mereka.
Pada saya, mujur ada orang bertaraf mufti seperti Ustaz Asri juga yang menunjukkan bahawa dalam Islam, sebenarnya ada jawapan lain dari yang ditujukkan oleh ulama di Malaysia..
Ada jalan keluar yang lebih mudah difahami.
Kalau nak kata saya setuju dengan semua apa yang dikatakannya pun, tidak.
Saya juga sering tidak setuju dengan pandangan Nik Aziz Nik Mat,Mufti Perak, atau Mufti Singapore pun.
Tetapi biarlah ada pandangan berbeza dalam masyarakat.
Masyarakat yang semua pandangan disekat menjadi jumud. Otak tertutup.
Ustaz Asri tak baca doa qunut? Haramkan tahlil? Tak benarkan mengaji di kubur?
Ini semua membawa orang terkeluar dari Islam ke?
Atau mungkin ada benda lain pegawai Jais belum keluarkan.
Maka ada baiknya, atas nama Islam dan umat Muslim, supaya perkara ini dibawa ke Mahkamah.
Kalau kesalahannya hanya setakat berdakwah tanpa permit, buang masalah 'bang.
Nik Aziz, Hadi Awang, Haron Din dsbnya setiap kali berucap di Selangor tu ada permit ke?
Kalau ada isu lain tentang Ustaz Asri ni yang masyarakat harus tahu, bawa ke depan.
Bak kata mat salleh, Put Up or Shut Up.
* Untuk peringatan sendiri:-
Blogger ini mengatakan umat Islam terbahagi dua iaitu pengikut Syiah dan pengikut Sunnah Wal Jamaah (Sunni). Manakala pengikut Syiah didokong oleh 12 imam, pengikut Sunni didokong oleh 4 imam iaitu Shafie, Maliki, Hambali dan Hanafi.
Fahaman Wahhabi dikaitkan dengan pengikut imam Hambali.
Saya tidak pasti hal ini ..perlu membuat rujukan lanjut.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Malaysian girls easily duped
I have been targeted by this syndicate. They always posed as Britons or Americans working as engineers, or in oil and gas industry. There was one who posed as a hydrogeologist working for Halliburton on a platform in Norway. One claimed to be working for security company based in Idaho [which didn't show on google search] while another one claimed he is working as an army adjuctant [that is his spelling] for UN based in London
All posted photos of WHITE males. Some even posted thumbsized photos which I am sure must have been copied from Yahoo or google image search pages.
A few gave me UK mobile phone number and INSIST that I CALL THEM.
More to come ...
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Tragedi Sungai Kampar
Sehingga jam 6.20 petang har ini, di antara 22 pelajar sekolah yang terjatuh ke dalam Sungai Kampar ketika sedang meniti jambatan gantung di Kawasan Perkhemahan Pusat Kokurikulum Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah (PPD) Kinta pada pukul 10.30 malam tadi 19 orang pelajar selamat, seorang pelajar ditemui mati lemas manakala dua orang pelajar masih belum ditemui. [baca di sini].
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
The price of development
Here's another hedonism culture being touted as 'vouge @ happening' by the Starbuck coffee latte generation. A generation produced after 52 years of independence ...
Tuesday October 20, 2009
Sexy dances, wild antics and late hours at outlet
Friday, 16 October 2009
Another con work: local
Friday October 16, 2009
Man tries to con teacher into having sex
A temporary teacher with a secondary school in Seremban was almost fooled into having sex with her colleague after he pretended to be an undercover special health officer researching “diseases affecting female teachers.”
The teacher - known only as Hani - claimed that the married man in his 30s had even asked for his undercover identity to be kept from his wife, who is teaching in the same school, and from the school principal.
In a report in Kosmo!, Hani, 24, said the teacher had told her that his research comprised three phases, the first of which would require her to answer questions on the size of her breasts and waist.
She would then be required to get intimate with the teacher in the second phase and finally, have sex with him under the third phase, which was also a “weight test”.
Hani alleged that she had signed an agreement as well as a confidentiality form to participate in the study after the teacher approached her in March.
The “study” then moved onto the next phase, in which Hani said she was told to go to an empty classroom.
“In the classroom, he hugged me from behind before performing other sexual acts on me,” she said, adding that she pushed the man away after suspecting something was amiss.
“The next phase was even worse when he asked me to have sex with him,” she said, claiming that during this time, the teacher was stark naked and getting ready to film the sex romp.
“Frightened, I then fled from the classroom,” said Hani.
Since that day, Hani alleged the teacher has been harrassing her through phone messages, asking her for money as “penalty” for not completing the study and claiming that she could be “sued” by the Education Ministry.
The man even claimed that the Public Services Department could take action against her and her other family members serving in the Government.
“I lodged a police report on Aug 18 after I could no longer take his harassment. I have also filed a complaint with both the Health and Education Ministries and the department,” said Hani.
She said she also believed that the teacher had “conned” other victims in the school but that they were reluctant to come forward.
The teacher was subsequently remanded for seven days before being released and is said to be still teaching in the same school.
State education director Datuk Abdullah Muhamad confirmed the case was still under investigation and the matter would be brought up to the ministry.
Jempol Chief Police Officer Supt Mohd Sabri Muhamad@Awang also confirmed the incident.
Friday, 9 October 2009
International Sex Trade
Friday October 9, 2009
Cops smash international sex trade ring
Internet love scam: A Doctor Is Drugged and Extorted
Friday October 9, 2009
Doctor extorted and drugged by Net friend
Sunday, 4 October 2009
[highlighted in red]
Sunday October 4, 2009
Growing list of don’ts
Unless we truly want to turn Malaysia into a police state as in Iran and Afghanistan under Taliban rule, laws that turn every perceived sin into a crime against the state will only result in selective persecution and victimisation.
KAREN Armstrong says any belief that makes you compassionate, kind and respectful of others is good religion. If your belief makes you intolerant, unkind and belligerent, this is bad religion, no matter how orthodox it is.
This seems like great common sense to me. It puzzles me why those who insist that Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno be caned because that is what Islam demands fail to see the many injustices of her case.
She was a first-time offender; she showed remorse and pleaded guilty; and there was no violence in the commission of the offence. Under normal sentencing guidelines, she would have received an automatic one-third remission of the sentence.
But Kartika was sentenced with the maximum fine of RM5,000 and six strokes of the rotan for drinking a glass of beer.
And the Mufti of Perak, Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria, questions why all the fuss for just six strokes of the rotan when Kartika should have been punished with the full “Islamic” 80 lashes.
And there was Datuk Rosman Ridzuan, the chairman of U Mobile, who was fined only RM700 when he pleaded guilty for assaulting his now ex-wife. Under Section 323 of the Penal Code, this domestic violence offence carries a maximum fine of RM2,000 or one-year imprisonment.
But I am sure those who feel Kartika should be caned are shaking their head and wondering why Datuk Rosman should in the first place be charged and fined for beating his wife, and why indeed should the state intervene in what they deem to be a family matter.
A person who causes harm to another he is supposed to love, cherish and protect is fined a few hundred ringgit, while a young woman trying to make it in life gets the maximum sentence for drinking a glass of beer – which she did not even finish, she said.
And just recently in the same Kuantan Syariah Court, an odd-job Indonesian man who spent RM3.20 for a bottle of samsu which he shared with two other friends in a moment of respite was jailed for a year with six strokes of the rotan. He is in prison because he could not afford to pay the RM5,000 fine.
And yet, we all know that every day, thousands of Muslims commit what are deemed to be offences under the all-encompassing Syariah Criminal Offences (SCO) laws and get away with it. I know of a certain Tan Sri who leaves his collection of expensive bottles of wine in the wine cooler of his favourite restaurant. His bottles are labelled, just like the expensive shampoo and conditioner bottles left by regular clients at their favourite hairdressing salon.
What riles me up every time the Syariah Criminal Offences law is enforced is the injustice of it all. It is often always the disadvantaged and powerless in society who are targeted. While those in powerful places are free to lead the lifestyle they choose, ordinary Muslims feel suffocated and oppressed that what they wear, do, drink, and where they hang out with their friends render them to arbitrary arrest and surveillance by the religious police.
Thousands of young men and women are caught and charged for khalwat, for which they meekly plead guilty in order to avoid further embarrassment. And for what great crimes against the state? The offence of “sitting together on a bench in a shopping complex with the man having his arm on the woman’s back; holding the woman’s waist while walking in a shopping complex; sitting closely and holding hands; sitting on a bench with the woman leaning on the man’s shoulder; sitting in the dark under a tree in a park; sitting on a bench in the dark by a lake”.
Why are Syariah Court resources, which are already stretched out, spent on prosecuting such offences, but women’s right to divorce, to maintenance, to compensation, to a share of the matrimonial assets are denied or delayed?
And how come these enforcement officers have all the resources and time in the world to go after young Muslims doing what young people usually do, and to barge into homes and hotel rooms in pursuit of amorous couples which have led to death and injury to those running away in panic, and to detain even those found in innocent circumstances?
Shouldn’t their resources and time be better spent going after the thousands of errant fathers who fail to pay child support? Why are the religious zealots impervious to the harm these men cause to their children and the family they left behind, and the impact of such gross neglect on society as a whole?
And how come Kajang Prison can execute the caning of Kartika who was sentenced in Pahang under state law, and yet a mother cannot enforce a maintenance order issued by the Kuala Lumpur Syariah Court against a father who has moved to Petaling Jaya?
It is tough being Muslim in this country as the list of the forbidden grows longer. And it’s a double whammy if you are young, and triple whammy if you are a woman. Just for being Muslim, you run the risk of being arrested and hauled into a lorry should the pub or club you are in be raided by the moral police. God forbid if there is alcohol on your breath or your dress is deemed too short, too revealing, too tight.
As with those caught for demonstrating, most of those detained for being Muslim in the wrong place are eventually released because they are in the pub or club to just listen to music or to hang out with their friends over a glass of coke. But the experience in the hands of the religious authorities is enough for a mountain of resistance and defiance to build up.
Since the public furor over Maslinda Ishak, where a Rela officer took a picture of her while she was relieving herself in the lorry used for these raids, the Zouk raid where 100 young Muslims were arrested, the raid on an elderly American couple on holiday in Langkawi and the spate of state attempts to establish citizens’ snoop squads to spy on courting couples and other errant Muslims in Terengganu, Malacca and Selangor, things have largely been quiet for a while on the moral policing front.
The former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, had taken a clear stand that his Cabinet disapproved of such moral policing raids and intrusion into private lives. The Minister for Law, Datuk Nazri Aziz, had also warned against the “Talibanisation” of Malaysia following the Zouk raid.
Then came the appointment of the new Minister for Religion, Maj-Gen (R) Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom, in March. And a seminar on caning for syariah crimes was held in April, and the minister said he was most unhappy that the Syariah Courts hardly ever impose the caning sentence. He said the light sentences meted out contributed to the rise in syariah crimes every year. And now a sudden wave of caning sentences by the Syariah Courts and the determination to uphold such sentences no matter the national and international implications and cries of injustice.
In Selangor, where the PAS Commissioner Hassan Ali is the state Exco member in charge of religion, mosque officials were to be empowered to arrest Muslims for drinking alcohol. But his unilateral act incurred not just the ire of his colleagues in the Pakatan-led state government, but also the Sultan of Selangor.
Reading through the list of offences under the Syariah criminal laws of the various states, you wonder how in the world those responsible for these laws think they could be enforced. Well, the Federal Territories Reli gious Department (JAWI) has set up a 24-hour hotline, and PAS Youth in Terengganu wants to set up a vigilante squad to advise courting couples to desist.
All those legal drafters and Islamic scholars who created the long list of offences and punishment, the Cabinet and state excos who approved them, and Parliament and the legislative assemblies that enacted them … wasn’t anyone thinking through the implications of such violations of privacy and personal rights, and to the kind of society and citizenship this will create?
And still there are those who are demanding that the list of syariah offences be expanded to include all actions deemed against the teachings of Islam and the court’s powers to punish be enhanced beyond the current maximum of three years imprisonment, RM5,000 fine and six strokes of the rotan.
Unless we truly want to turn Malaysia into a police state as in Iran and Afghanistan under Taliban rule – where moral police are at every street corner, every office, every campus – such laws that turn every perceived sin into a crime against the state will only result in selective persecution and victimisation. It is also simply unenforceable because there is no public consensus on what constitutes indecent behaviour that merits regulation and punitive action.
In the end, such moral policing laws will erode the credibility and survival of both the law and the law-making process, says Prof Hashim Kamali who now heads the International Institute for Advanced Islamic Studies, in a study on the SCO legislation.
That this is already the case in Malaysia is obvious. The continual public outrage, the abuses that occur, the need for the federal government or the Sultan to intervene, the release of most of those detained, the apologies that the religious departments have had to extend to those victimised and abused, the damages (Maslinda was recently awarded RM100,000) and compensation (to the Langkawi couple) that the Government has had to pay, the international damage it does to Malaysia’s effort to promote itself as a model moderate and progressive Muslim country.
So the question before the Government is this: Review the Government’s coercive and punitive position on Islam for a more nurturing and compassionate approach; or enhance further the powers of the religious authorities to control the lives of Muslims and punish them ever more harshly, and consequently bring Islam, Islamic law and the religious authorities into further disrepute. Just look at Iran.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Internet love scam: CAUTIONS!
Be wary of 'cyber-friends'
SHAH ALAM, Sat: Be wary when making new "friends" on the Internet. Some "cyber-friends" might just turn out to be members of a scam syndicate.
The warning comes from Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar, following numerous police reports where the gullible were duped of their money by new-found "friends" to claim non-existent gifts.
He said the victims were made to believe the gifts were supposedly with the customs department due to unpaid taxes.
Hence, they are lured into depositing a certain sum of money in the accounts of syndicate members claiming to be customs officers.
"In some cases, the money which the victims were asked to deposit, amounted to as much as RM5,000," Khalid told reporters after launching the Crime Prevention Exhibition and Seminar at Universiti Teknologi MARA here today.
In a separate incident, the police are in the midst of tracking down three African men in connection with the abduction of an Indonesian boy last night.
The boy, whom the police found outside the departure hall of the KL International Airport (KLIA) early today, has since been reunited with his mother.
The woman and her son were sent to the Indonesian Embassy for further assistance.
Khalid said that earlier, the woman had gone to the KLIA with her son to meet an African acquaintance. Subsequently, the three got into a car
He said that upon reaching Kota Damansara, the woman was embroiled in an argument with her friend before she was abandoned by the road-shoulder about 9pm.
However, the foreigners took away her son, a bag of clothes, laptop, US$900, (RM3,060) and an undisclosed sum of rupiah and ringgit.
Khlaid said initial police investigations revealed that the boy was sent to an apartment where he played video games before being sent to KLIA by taxi.
He urged the taxi driver to contact the police to facilitate investigations. -- BERNAMA
Monday, 28 September 2009
OMG: Singaporeans beat us to it!!!
Switching sex partners a hit with Singaporeans
SINGAPOREANS are flocking to a website to change sex partners, Sin Chew Daily reported.
The daily reported that so far, 49 couples had signed up at the website.
Among the categories available were men seeking women, women seeking men, and where same sex partners are available.
“The majority of those who signed up stressed that they were only looking for sex, not love,” reported the daily.
What is more astonishing is that those who signed up voluntarily left their contact details to allow interested parties to call them.
A check found that those who signed up were Singaporean Chinese in their 30s. Most of them are professionals.
> A fake marriage in Hong Kong ended in tragedy after the husband stabbed his “wife” before committing suicide by jumping from his flat,China Press reported.
The daily reported that the 39-year-old man, a chef, tried to kill his “wife” because she wanted to end their “marriage”.
The daily added that the couple “married” eight years ago but the woman began to have an affair with another man five years ago.
Although the marriage was fake, the chef, identified only as Tan, was reported to have fallen in love with the woman.
Before jumping to his death, Tan told police that he loved the woman.
Tan also revealed that he tried appealing to his “wife’s” lover to let her go but to no avail.
OMG: What will they think of next? Spouse Exchange Club?
RAWANG: When she was practicing law, Kartini Maarof once went beyond the call of duty for her divorce client.
She arranged for Rohaya Mohamad, a mother of seven, to be married again - to Kartini's own husband.
The spouse they have shared for a decade is 43-year-old Ikramullah Ashaari, who has four wives and 17 children.
His 72-year-old father has 38 offspring from five marriages, without ever having flouted Islam's prescribed limit of four wives at a time.
Polygamy is legal for Muslims in Malaysia, though not widespread.
The Ashaari clan believes it should be.
Last month it launched a "Polygamy Club" that claims the noble aim of helping single mothers, reformed prostitutes and women who feel they are past the marrying age.
"We want to change the way people perceive polygamy, so that it will be seen as something beautiful instead of something disgusting," said Hatijah Aam, the founder of the club. She is the fourth wife of Ikramullah's father, Ashaari Muhammad.
Polygamy may seem out of place in an Asian democracy proud of its skyscrapers, high-tech skills and go-getter economy.
But it retains a foothold in this Muslim-majority country of 27 million where piety is deeply embedded and Muslims can be arrested for drinking alcohol or consorting with the opposite sex unless a couple is married.
The government also polices religious practice.
Ashaari, the family patriarch, used to head an Islamic sect that was banned in 1994 as heretical because it projected Ashaari as an absolver of sinners.
Most of the Polygamy Club members belonged to the sect, and there's nothing illegal about how they live now, so long as they're Muslims.
For the one-third of the population that isn't Muslim, polygamy is unlawful.
The practice used to be more common but has dwindled to an estimated 2 percent of all Muslim marriages as women have become freer and careers have opened up for them.
The polygamists point out that the Prophet Muhammad is thought to have married about a dozen women in his lifetime, including widows in need of protection.
"Some people treat polygamy as a laughing matter because they do not fully comprehend it," says Ikramullah, a jovial businessman and son of his father's first wife.
"But a community that practices it would know that it is not bizarre. In fact, you would be teased if you were a man with only one wife."
The club claims to number 300 husbands and 700 wives.
It hopes to cultivate examples of happy households to counter women's rights activists who say some spouses and children suffer in polygamous marriages.
Club members say polygamy deters adultery and would improve the marriage prospects of ex-prostitutes if more men were available to marry them.
But Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, the Muslim female minister in charge of family policy, says polygamy "is not a culture that is encouraged in our society."
Sisters in Islam, an advocacy group campaigning against polygamy, says it isn't good for women.
"If people choose to be monogamous, there are enough men for every woman," it said in a statement to The Associated Press.
One opponent of polygamy is a 42-year-old business executive who asked to be identified only as Sharifah.
She said she threatened to divorce her husband of nearly 15 years after he told her last year that he had fallen in love with a divorced mother of three, felt she needed help, and wanted to marry her.
"I felt like my fairy tale had ended," Sharifah said.
"He was my soul mate. ... I couldn't believe it was happening. Then I started to scream at him."
She said some people told her that agreeing to a second wife would secure her place in heaven.
But Sharifah, the breadwinner for her two children and jobless husband, refused to give in. The couple underwent marriage counseling and Sharifah's husband has promised not to marry the other woman.
"Women have to make a stand. We are getting more progressive. We know our rights," she said. "I will not enter into a polygamous marriage. I know I deserve better."
Kartini, 41, says polygamy has served her well; while she was busy arguing court cases, her husband's first wife would cook, clean and look after the children.
"The wives can complement each other," she said.
"Of course, you miss your husband and there are natural feelings of competition and jealousy at first.
But after a while, you try to become friends and you learn that you can share your problems with each other."
The club says most of its husbands keep each spouse in a home of her own unless the women agree to live under one roof. Many husbands rotate their days among households.
The tight-knit family is concentrated in Rawang, a town outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's largest city.
They gather for religious holidays and other festivities, such as a recent "Family Day" where they performed songs for each other and picnicked.
They mingle easily in public, chatting and joking like any ordinary family.
The club is funded by the family's grocery stores, restaurants and other businesses. It plans to offer matchmaking, wedding planning and marriage counseling.
Hatijah, who became the patriarch's fourth wife in 1982, used to be skeptical of polygamy, and agreed to the marriage because she worried that at 27, she was getting too old to find a husband.
Now 54 and a mother of eight, she says: "What is wrong with sharing a husband? I've been doing so for nearly 30 years." - AP
OMG: Its here - the sickness from hell
By R.S.N. MURALI [source here]
KUALA TERENGGANU: A 35-year-old man who inserted various objects, including his toes, into his wife’s private parts to satisfy his lust needs psychiatric attention immediately, Terengganu executive councillor Ashaari Idris said.
Ashaari, who is also state Welfare, Community Development and Women’s Affairs Committee chairman said, the man, from Besut, needed help before he preyed on others, particularly young girls to satisfy his sexual desires.
The man’s 28-year-old wife lodged a report against her husband last Monday, alleging that he had inserted various objects into her private parts.
“This man should be referred to a psychotherapist to treat his sexual disorder before he targets innocents,” he told The Star yesterday.
Ashaari said the wife claimed that she endured much pain each time the couple had intercourse because of the husband’s actions.
“The wife could no longer tolerate the man’s sexual acts and she lodged a report against him.
“This is a rare thing in our society, especially in a small place like Besut,” he said.
In her report, the housewife alleged that her husband had tried to insert his toes into her private parts again at 1am on Monday, triggering a heated argument between the couple.
She lodged a report at 4am at the Besut police headquarters the same day. The couple, who have been married for five years, have a three-year-old son.
The police later referred the case to the Besut Religious Department after a medical report on the housewife revealed there were no injuries on her.
The couple was said to have previously separated for a while before reconciling a few months ago.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
This is another news related to the internet love scams. The keywords are "sydicate based here operated by Africans".
I have reasons to believe that the sydicate operates by luring unsuspecting women with love and offers of marriage.
They prey on dating site such as Zoosk or chat application such as Skype. The victims are usually made into mules such as in the reported news pasted below [source here] or they may be cheated by being made to pay money, either as a soft loan or to pay for delivery of 'gift' [as reported in the Internet Love Scams here].
The syndicate members would introduce themselves as British or American Engineers or business contractors. They would immediately talk about visits or travelling or relocation or getting steady or offer of marriage. They would seduce the gullible ladies with love and attention. Emails, chats, even phone calls. They would give their UK phone number when they call, their number appear as unknown. They would be very possesive and do not like the lady to have other contact. They would provide pictures of white men but when they speak on the phone they do not sound British or American. And they sound young despite their claim of being over 40. They will never show themselves on webcam. They seemed to always have 'time' to chat despite being 8 or 12 time zones away.
Police nab nanny carrying cocaine-soaked clothes at bus station
KUALA LUMPUR: A 45-year-old nanny who has been carrying cocaine-soaked clothes in and out of the country was detained at the Puduraya bus station.
The woman, a Filipina mother of four, is reported to be the first person to transport drugs, namely liquid cocaine in such a manner.
In last Friday’s operation conducted by a team from Bukit Aman and the city police headquarters, the woman was arrested with 5kg of cocaine, valued at more than RM3.5mil.
The arrest was made possible following a tip-off and co-operation from the Thai police.
The Filipina from Manila was caught with 23 cotton blouses that had been dipped in liquid cocaine before they were wrapped in plastic bags and packed into a luggage bag.
She had just alighted from a taxi and was heading towards a counter to buy a bus ticket to Haadyai, Thailand, when she was arrested.
Initial investigations revealed that the woman was a mule for an international drug syndicate based here and operated by Africans.
The woman who has been working in China as a nanny for four years was believed to have transported the drugs from Buenos Aires and Lima in South America.
She would transit here before travelling to Thailand where the drugs are to be distributed.
City police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Wira Mohd Sabtu Osman said further investigations revealed that members of the syndicate would soaked the blouses in water to retrieve the liquid cocaine.
“The cotton fabric of the blouses allows the drugs to remain intact within the clothing until they are squeezed out. Alternatively, they can also microwave the clothing and collect its vapour using an apparatus,” he said.
DCP Mohd Sabtu said the woman had admitted that she was paid a minimum of RM10,000 for each trip to carry the drug.
He said further checks revealed she had made at least two such trips before, and there could have beeen more women hired as mules.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Lonely Hearts Club
Wanita Malaysia semakin berhati-hati
IPOH 6 Ogos - Golongan wanita di negara ini kini semakin berhati-hati ketika berurusan dengan warga asing bagi mengelak daripada terperangkap dalam sindiket pengedaran dadah antarabangsa.
Ketua Pengarah Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK), Datuk Abd. Bakir Zin berkata, ia terbukti apabila jumlah pengedar dadah di kalangan wanita tempatan di peringkat antarabangsa semakin berkurangan.
Bagaimanapun kata beliau, kerajaan perlu memperhebatkan usaha untuk membendung keberanian segelintir wanita di negara ini untuk menjadi pengedar dadah di peringkat antarabangsa.
"Secara keseluruhan, kaum wanita kini lebih faham dan berhati-hati dengan sesiapa sahaja kerana mereka sedar tentang bahaya jika diperdaya sindiket pengedaran dadah antarabangsa.
"Kita tidak mahu ada lagi wanita membawa beg orang lain (berisi dadah) dan kemudian apabila ditahan di negara orang, mereka beri alasan tidak tahu," katanya.
Beliau menyatakan demikian kepada pemberita selepas majlis pelancaran Masyarakat Wanita Anti Dadah (Mawadah) Perak oleh Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadi.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, beliau berkata, jumlah penagih yang dikesan di negara ini tahun lalu adalah 12,352 orang iaitu 5,939 penagih baru dan 6,413 penagih berulang.
Jelasnya, perangkaan tersebut menunjukkan seramai 514 rakyat Malaysia terjebak sebagai penagih baru dalam sebulan atau seramai 17 orang dalam sehari manakala jumlah penagih berulang dalam sebulan adalah seramai 556 orang atau 19 orang sehari.
"Di Perak sendiri, sehingga Jun ini, seramai 3,365 orang penagih dadah dikesan manakala bilangan penagih wanita adalah seramai 71 orang atau dua peratus.
"Statistik Malaysia menunjukkan golongan wanita yang terlibat dalam kancah penagihan dadah hanya 263 orang sepanjang 2008 dan terdapat satu Pusat Serenti Wanita (Puspen) di Bachok, Kelantan," katanya.